Monday, September 28, 2009

I know it's September - but we've been busy

So much for my idea of regular entries, but we've been blissfully busy with visiting family from all over the US, new homework curriculum, errands, raising boys, church, housework and all the usuals that everyone else in the world also deals with. In other words, I really don't have a good reason for no entries, just many feeble excuses.
On the high notes of the past few weeks, went to Poppy on Capitol Hill with some dear BRA Chix and it was a hoot - a comedy of errors, but a hoot just the same. An overpriced culinary experience, but a comedy of errors. An experience for our memory books, but a hooting comedy of errors. From the delay in our reservation to $10 watermelon mojitos to the store next door with the really "eclectic clientele" to just being in Capitol Hill with two moms from Maple Valley and Issaquah - an experience, the eyes were as big as saucers.
Much giggles, lots of jabber and 3.5 hours to get all of our yakking in while our dinner was delayed and our appetites grew immense. So much for savoring the culinary experience - I inhaled dinner when it arrived and after two glasses of champagne and a mojito on an empty stomach was doing good to remember where we parked.
We traveled to Ellensburg last weekend and had the opportunity of sitting in road construction backups for 3 hours. We developed the game of "what's up with that?" Where you view something odd (usually in the back of a pick-up) and develop a back story. For example, we spied a black Ford 150 pick up with six taxidermied deer heads in the bed, three plastic garbage cans, a snowboard, a TV (not plasma or flat screen), an over-sized cooler and a snowboard. My son guessed "He must be a taxidermist." The next son guessed he was moving. Husband Dan pegged the snorter with "He looks recently divorced - as in like about an hour ago. His ex said 'Here's all your stuff in the garbage cans, get those stinking deer heads outta my double-wide and take the snowboard you got me for our last anniversary. You can have the TV in the bedroom too. Because I'm nice.' " We're coming up with lyrics to a country song on our next road trip. Who says travelling with the Meekers is not an adventure?
We hit the Puyallup fair and the boys brought Dan's helmet cam to film some ride footage. Joe spent about $25 trying to get an electric guitar by ringing a beer bottle with a plastic ring. And we explored the culinary wonders of the Fair. And toured the Brain with Weird Al as our guide. Enough for one day, I think.
In the coming weeks, mom turns 42, escapes for a retreat weekend in Olympia with no Y chromosomes about and then another family escape to Hood Canal for a weekend of wine, rest and relaxation at a cabin on the beach! I've been craving beach time for months so really looking fwd to that one! All is well with health, the weight is not dropping by leaps and bounds, but it is no longer increasing, so all is well. Need to get to the gym and cement that habit this week with some sweat and effort, so will check in again soon.
Peace and Blessings!