Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Attitude of Gratitude

I just like the sound of that, and what better time to have an attitude of gratitude than as a chaotic and stressful year comes to a close?! It's the characteristic that most entices me to return to our current place of worship. Every act of cleaning, assistance, fund-raising, charity, etc., that I have participated in at St. Columba's has been rewarded with a sincere thank you from someone not directly benefitting from my actions. Most are just glad that there are fresh folks to offer the many hands to make the work light.

I/we have a great deal of things to express gratitude for - SYMPTOMS!! We live in a country with medical resources to facilitate the early detection of cancers, we have adequate health care provided by our employer (our bill for my whole episode was under $1500). Friends and family were willing to care for the boys, me and my extended family upon request. Medical developments in surgical procedures that allow quick recovery within 2 months of surgery. Boys willing take mom for walks and to push a wheelchair for a few weeks, noticing the reactions of others and aware of challenges faced during that time. A new-found dedication to eating better... well, at least 80% of the time. And mostly, the chance to spend more precious time with my family, friends and raising the boys to be healthy, independent gentlemen - with a totally whacked sense of humor.

We've been trying for the last three days to catch Santa for our annual photo - Sunday he left 1/2 hour before we arrived, last night we just saw him pulling out of the parking lot and today we are going to be in line at the stroke of 5:00. One of those "simply have to's" of the season. Joe's fighting tooth and nail not to be subjected to this commercial display of advertising melee - but don't get me wrong, he TOTALLY wants gifts - and of the impractical variety. Nick is all over the Santa photo thing. It means he doesn't have to shop or spend $ on Mom. Dan would prefer to submit to a Santa photo than any thing else I've requested of him this year. Putting up house lights, making Dr. appts., etc. But he's had a heck of a year too, and been a great partner.

I hope this Season finds you healthy, wealthy in non-material ways, blessed in every way and peaceful as you enjoy the holidays in whatever manner suits your soul, psyche, and spirit.

Wishing you lasting Peace and MANY Blessings!
Michelle ;-P

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