Monday, March 16, 2009

Proud Momma Moment

Joe's competing in the Seattle Regional Spelling Bee this Sunday afternoon for the second year in a row, and he has actually been studying. This is the last year he will be eligible to partiicfpate and he came in about 25th out of 60 participants last year. I will figure out how to record his spelling segments and post them somewhere. His plan is to Rick Roll the audience if he misses a word and goes down in flames... that would go on YouTube.

Last year he got out on "camouflage" (he forgot my "lame mnemonic" of a mouse rolled in a camo flag) and the next week we were at GI Joes and I saw a pair of camo Chuck Taylor hi-tops and HAD to get them for him as an inside joke. Now he has two more pairs and never wears anything else.

He's competing in a Battle of the Bands event at School Friday (he's the lead singer and plays acoustic guitar for Overdrive) and the grades are acceptable in 4 classes, mildly horrid in two classes and better in the class he botched last quarter, go figure. I could never successfully balance all six classes either, but I can't tell him that. I have to be the hard-nosed parent expecting more and demanding better grades when I really want to tell him I know it's a b**ch balancing everything, but this is life. We all have to find balance in work, home, family, friends, social, housework... often more than six things at once.


It's not often I forget to post a blog entry - but I did, so now you get the update to the SPelling bee as well as the notice. The good news is we won't be whisking off for a trip to DC anytime soon. The bad news is Joe was eliminated in his second round with the word "bravura". My ESP just wasn't in tune apparently and it was not in the cards. He requested all available information about the word and I think hearing that it was Italian threw him so he tried to work in every possible vowel (brevieura) which is how it was pronounced.

He was disappointed, drowned his sorrows in a few Thomas Kempers, pizza and cupcakes at his consolation/victory party with family and friends. This was his last opportunity to compete as he will be 14 and complete eighth grade this year. The end of an era. Joe and I started attending the annual spelling bee when he was in first grade and even then he would keep track of the words and get at least half of them right. He's done us proud getting to the Regionals twice in two years.

1 comment:

Tami said...

How awesome!!! That is so great that he is such a great speller. One of my biggest pet peeves at work is those who cannot spell. (One of our girls likes to say she is right by spelling it wright!! ack!!!!) Hope he does well in his battle of the bands!!