Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Last published on Aug 9?!... Life Happens.

Hey, sorry to have been in disposed so long. Life has been in rapid-fire motion since mid-August but not doing anything substantial - kids camps, work, short day trips, etc., and balancing the juggling balls of work, school, boys, house, you know the drill. Then, on top of things D/D (the newlyweds) decided this current housing market slump was the perfect time to buy! So they've been dragging us along for acquiring moving boxes, and then helping to pack them, moving to an apartment this weekend (because of course no house could close by the time their rental lease was up), and then moving to a house 3 months later. It will be great for them and is large enough I won't be hosting every family gathering (SCORE !)

As if that weren't enough, my sister then invited me to accompany her on a CME trip to Florida in October - and knowing I cannot resist travel without Dan and the boys I said not only yes, but HECK YES! So, we'll be off 10/14 through 10/18 carousing in the greater Tampa area armed with a rental car and GPS, since we can both get lost in the bathtub. But you know what that will mean for the blog - TRAVEL photos! Whoo hoo! I picked up a FL travel guide at the library yesterday and was just bemoaning the fact that I didn't go snorkeling in AUS - guess what?! Another opportunity may present itself in the near future - and I may wimp out again, but it will be an informed wimpout and only called so due to shark sightings. Swimming with dolphins is another attaraction I may have to explore.

School news - Joe is now attending FWPA Federal Way Public Academy and is enthused about school, learning and his classes - reread for emphasis... we haven't seen this since 3rd grade and it's a welcome change. This is the kid that asked me if he could get his GED at 13 last year, because school was just a waste of time. So we are thrilled, he's writing down assignments, doing homework, learning Spanish for the first time and charged up about participating in extra-curricular activities!! He has a group of about 5-8 "homies" pals and seems to be fitting in well. The school has a very diverse cultural base, common for Federal Way, covers Grades 6-10 and after 10 the kids are ready to assimilate into another FW high for Int'l Baccalaureate program or to community colleges for Running Start. A win/win plan either way.

Nick is at the old school Kent Mountain View Academy KMVA and I see a wide chasm already between the two schools in comparison. High parental involvement makes a big difference. We'll transfer Nick over to FWPA (pronounced Fwhoppa, that's what all the kids call it) at 6th grade and he and Joe will again be in the same school for the next 3 years - YEA! But he's comfortable with his old friends and teachers for another year.

We found an existing carpool to join that had space and ride with 5 other kids, two Muslim families and mostly girls so conversation with Joe while girls are in the car is strictly VERBOTEN!! I was informed of such at the end of my inaugural carpool drive - Joe may get some prime walking opportunities very soon. He walks from the last carpool stop when I do not drive which gives him some fresh air and exercise toting his substantial backpack. Good thing Dan invested in an REI product for him.

I reduced my work week to 3 days and spend the other two mornings in the pool committed to an exercise program! It's slow starting and I creep around like I'm an 80 yo woman the next day, but I feel good after doing it and the community pool is a new and well-designed facility with lots of perks like steam/sauna, hot tubs and an exercise floor upstairs with exercise machines. When I get into the schedule I'll arrive at 8:30, dry exercise for 30 mins and then do a 1 hour cardio water class. So I should be in good shape in about 6-7 years.

Had an outing with long-time gal pal Wendy from NC this week and she has self-published a book of poetic art with 2 other poets. With her permission, I'll post one of my faves from her treasures. We had dinner at Green Lake and picked up boxes for my sister, am I a fun date or what?

I nearly forgot the most important development. I had a call from my surgeon a few weeks back asking if Iwould be the NW Hospital cover story for their bimonthly magazine. I thought about it for 10 seconds and said sure. Had a phone interview and photo shoot the next week and the issue should be out soon. I'll scan a cover shot for the blog and we'll witness my one shot at being a cover girl. I don't think Vogue will be calling anytime soon. You may recognize the cover girl in your mailbox if you live in North Seattle.

Peace and blessings, hope all is well and you're safe, happy and well-loved,

Michelle ;-P

1 comment:

Katharyn said...

It's great to hear from you! I'm sure someone will bring in a copy of the mag to church!