Saturday, July 11, 2009

Summer 2009

Nick is relearning cursive in preparation for his 6th grade college prep curriculum new school and HATING it. He's raking me over the coals daily about 5 lousy pages and whining to beat the band. But I am persevering and being CONSISTENT. My thought is this process may teach him not to procrastinate and if he gets his work done well and promptly, his time is his own. If he chooses to learn it, he'll be well ahead of the game.

Which brings us to my other model prisoner, Joe is spending his summer surfing YouTube endeavoring to write something to videotape and post and is stuck in the development phase. He is getting dragged to the gym with me on occasion and finds it amusing, mostly. Filmed one sequence of 1st Day at the gym but hasn't posted it yet. He did OK on grades this year, got by on the skin of his teeth. He is doing better than Nick at getting his job list for the day done so he can let his brain cells ooze out in front of the computer for the rest of his day.

Overall, I'm trying to stick to my goals of eating more whole food, getting daily exercise/activity and not the boys out no matter how much I'd like to from one day to the next. We've done a few fun things, EMP, parks, beaches, picnics. Dan is taking BOTH boys to Grand Coulee next weekend, so that will give them some major bonding time in an enclosed vehicle (not my idea of fun) and they will both take their required summer reading books to distract them from buggin each other. And I get two days of momming to boot!!

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