Saturday, June 27, 2009

So much for ambitious goals

It's been quite a week, month, year. Today marks one year since our family trip to SD, a mere year and three weeks after my semi-colon surgery. The boys are out of school for the summer, one needs to relearn cursive writing over the summer and is busting my chops about it daily. The other made b's and c's for grades by the skin of his teeth, or mine. So, now it's summer with days of "he's been on the computer for two hours, it's my turn now." THIS is why summer is only 8 weeks long. Kids would not survive if it were longer.

It has been a crazy week with the loss of Ed McMahon, Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett, it's kind of like remembering where you were when Elvis (supposedly) expired. At least the focus is off the Jon and Kate scandal for a milisecond. The summer will be spent helping pals who are facing big challenges this year. We have one pal whose job was eliminated JUST before she went in for major shoulder surgery (medical coverage extended, graciously) and another who goes in for extensive breast biopsy after July 4. So while last year I was benefitting from support from others; this year will be necessary to complete the karmic circle and give support as needed. Thankfully, I've adjusted job to accommodate and if it turns out to be moot, I'll have more family time to "enjoy" with the boys. May require medication or mediation, but we'll hope the trips to the gym help. So far, I've lost only 6 pounds (or less depending on the mood of my scale) but almost 12" overall in a month of conscious eating and focused exercise.

I've been taking a week off to regroup, refocus and recommit before getting back on track and juggling the new schedule to see where planning, exercise, support strategies are all supposed to fit in again. Change is good and this change is long overdue and will have far-reaching effects on my mind, body and spirit. So far daily exercise and food journaling are the big secrets for me.
Welcome to come along for the ride.
Peace and Blessings ;-P

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