Thursday, January 14, 2010

ABC lullaby

In a fit over circumstances beyond my control, I began a sleepless night with the idea to find a word to ponder beginning with each letter of the alphabet. This was partly to refocus my brain and partly to keep from pummeling the garbage disposal sound emanating from my life partner and soul mate also known as Sir Sure SnoresALot. When I awoke, groggy, the next morning, I thought "You may be onto something here." So, as part of my resolution (resolution also means to make clearer by increasing focus/detail, see) I pick a word a day to focus effort and intentions on living the full meaning of the word and see where the road takes me.

The first day was ACCLIMATE - be more flexible and realize that I do not have to control the world and it will continue to function. Day 2 was BALANCE - more of the same, today is CONTEMPLATE CONSEQUENCES - how will this action or inaction affect other situations? By posting as my status in Facebook, each day I am held accountable (another good A word, by the way - didn't think of it at 3 a.m.). For the next 23 days it will be an interesting journey... Do I know the words already or do I pick them on the fly? A little of both. I have some words that I choose for their alliteration, their diverse meanings, and the level of tranquility their contemplation achieves. An OM moment, such that it is.

When I was awake that first night, the list was: Amusement, Balance, Coexistence, Destined, Empathy, Fundamental, Graciousness/Generosity, Honor, Inspiration, Jeopardize, Kindred, Loquacious, Methodology, Namaste, Opportunity, Presence, Quintessential, Rhapsody, Strive, Tenacious, Unity, Wonder, Youth and Zealous. I found many to be qualities I admire in others, some I wish to see more often in myself and many are just appealing to my ear and provide opportunity to turn them over in thought through many incarnations and meanings.

Must admit it was more interesting than counting sheep.
Peace, grace and Blessings!
Michelle ;-P

1 comment:

Katharyn said...

I love it, do keep us posted as to your other choices.