Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Wrapping up the year

So we had Christmas and a two week break from school, work, carpools and everything providing structure in my life and the house was moderately clean and the laundry was moderately done and I was into a few books and feeling kind of out of sorts after putting the Christmas stuff away when I ran across my grandmother's crochet hooks. Hmm, what can I do with these? Stuff them up my nose? Cornrow Joe's hair? Torment the boys and the cat? Learn to crochet? Huh, where did that come from and then a few YouTube vids, a few books from the library, a few costly trips to the craft store and Bob's your uncle I'd crocheted a prayer shawl. Who'd have thought?

I think it came from the feeling of having the needle of my compass is still missing when I feel the void left by my grandmother's passing. Yes, it was in 2004, but that's beside the point. When we were sorting out her craft materials, I took the lion's share not because they were valuable but because she had held them and used them to create items for others. They hold her prayers, her thoughts, her breath, her presence. I kept her cookie jar and stew pot. When Dan uses it to cook, I feel like he's invited Gigi to join us.

The year wasn't a total wash. We got a new administration, a new first family, and one of the boys figured out the school game - pray for the other one, we all kept our jobs and helped others who lost theirs, we've had opportunities for growth, learning, sharing, caring and fun. No big tragedies and no major challenges, just same old plugging along doing the same old things. Not much for excitement, but I can take my excitement few and far between.

Here's to continued good health for all (including our health care reform bill), recovery for the economy and continued goodwill among all people for the duration of the year.

Peace, grace and blessings.
Michelle ;-P

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