Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Wedding photos -

Blackmail for future use - it only cost me a CD.

OK, this one has so many potential bad lines -
He's asking me about the schedule for the day, like I know anything...

The happy parents of the bride - dressed up complete with beer accessory.

Yes, it really is a BIG bottle of water - you recall it was 90 degrees that day and I was running...

They are cracking up because I said, this is the closest Dad will ever get to a 3-way - Denise is charging me for therapy.

Joe attempts to look mysterious... but he is dapper and in a suit, he even dances later.

Dang! That bride is looking for me again - hide me. Switched to champagne...

Dancing with the Stars it ain't - but he kept off my feet so I didn't see stars.

So, I'm posting a few of my less favorite wedding photos (look out BRA CHIX - I figured out how to post photos... )

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