Saturday, May 31, 2008

FIVE Days and Counting...

Not much news to share now that all the testing is over, just the waiting game again... appetite is back and being put to good use this weekend - Monday starts liquid diet, all the chicken broth, juice, water, jello and tea I can handle... "the end is worth the means" is the mantra of the week. Remind me of that when I feel like a truck hit me.

<--(Coff's Harbor, QLD, Aus)

Saturday - breakfast and a walk with Jenny, Indiana Jones with the guys (all 3), a nap and dinner with my folks for seafood. Pretty good for any day. Have been getting some questions about hospital visits, flowers, books, etc. Most people are respecting my request for no visitors at the hospital and tell me they understand. If you have to travel more than 10 minutes and with the price of gas what it is (expletive deleted) - wait until I am at home, please.

Flowers - we are going to have enough to transport home and take care of during my recuperation and I have a black thumb, inherited from my mom, Diane. She's going to feel it's a bad omen if she can't keep my flowers vibrant and perky... Here's a better plan. Your food bank can put to good use a gift card or cash what you would have spent on flowers - and I'm not tax-deductible... but they are.

Books and books on CD or tape - excellent ideas, be sure your name is on the case, drop them by the house and I will return them. If you want them passed forward, let me know that too. If you find a good one at the library, send me the title. Remember, laughing may not be welcome reflex after abdominal surgery. My dad may require duct tape to comply.

I've found a few good ones to recommend over the last few weeks - AfterShock: When you or someone you know gets a devastating diagnosis, Heaven Talks Back (Humor), The Year of Living Biblically (humor), Walking in Circles before Lying Down (What Women Want meets the dog pound - humorous novel about a women who can hear what dogs are thinking.)

<--(SandBoarding in the Desert of Moreton Island, near Brisbane)

Prayers for the week would be that my surgeon and his staff are having relaxing weekends, the PET scan results come in sooner rather than later and are dull reading, and peace, patience and grace for my family in the coming weeks.

(Cairns Esplanade Shots of Lagoon Park (above) and Flag Pavilion (below) - 10/01 in AUS)

You were right, these are a good distraction and put new images in my imagination for later recall. Another one of those round to it things I hadn't yet made it to. Plus, looking forward to times when reviewing photos is all we have to talk about!

Peace and blessings!

P.S. - If Joe seems a bit callous or combative in his posts, don't be concerned. He's adjusting to a very unnerving situation, 13 and flexing his teen angst and sarcastic humor muscles. He'll outgrow it someday... and we'll love him through it, just like our parents did for us. ;-P

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