Sunday, June 1, 2008

Game Plan for Wednesday

I'm on the surgery countdown... 3,2,1 The day of surgery I'll ride with my sister to the hospital and we'll meet our parents there. Dan and I will drop the boys at school first and Dan will go to work that day, at my request, then he is closest to take care of the boys. This is one day I want them with a parent and no one else. My parents and Denise will be at the hospital during surgery from 10:00 on. We actually start the procedure at 1:00 and I should be out 4-5 hours later. My family has 3 contacts to touch base with when I am in recovery - Lucy for church family, Joanne for BRA chix and Dan. Denise plans to drop by and touch base with the boys to answer any questions first-hand on her way home from Seattle. Dan and the boys won't know much until after 6 or so. Monday I'm trying to schedule a massage, Tuesday I'll be in disposed most of the day after 12 p.m., probably won't sleep much trying to arrange last minute things and anxiety over unknown, and Wed. I have a date with Dr. Yum! Looking forward to getting this puppy out, but there is some anxiety/apprehension of not knowing what comes next. You know me, I need to have a plan in place and this time I need to turn it over to a greater power and let it happen. Not easy. I'll probably make a post Tuesday night in the wee hours... Monday will be busy.

Peace and blessings! ;-P

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