Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Moreton Island, Brisbane QLD

Found some of my old emails to accompany photos of what I'm talking about. I'll try including those for a few days and see if it is more or less confusing. The posts coming between now 6/25 and 7/3 will be prepped and remotely posted -- ooooh, technological. These photos are of the 4WD bus on Moreton Island, Mt. Tempest and North Beach, Moreton Island.

"Shopping DAY! Found some great goodies to bring home and wanted to hit the last suburb before I pay Sydney prices. Seems to have already jumped for summer in some areas. It's been 2 days without shops, hot, sweaty clothing and no music.
Anyway, we are in Byron Bay just south (?) of Surfers Paradise and since I had two days without a little town to explore, I decided to skip surfing for 3 hours and explore the shops to find some lighter wear. I gave up the sarong and bikini once we hit larger towns - fine for campsites and on a hot bus, but I still have a modicum of modesty in general public. Found some great ones to bring home as they pack well.
For the last two days (I think I last emailed late Tuesday night) we were in a remote area out of Brisbane called Moreton Island. The island is the largest vegetated sand island (you know what I mean - I've been vegetating on beaches so much lately I scarcely have a brain cell left.) Well, that and rum and coke comes in cans like beer here. HAPPY CAMPER! The island is accessible only by ferry and 4WD bus once you are off the ferry. The 4WD is major, with swaths cut through hills where you are below land level. The travel to and from points of interest is horrendous but once you get there OMG! We swam in a freshwater lagoon - no waterfalls - but small fish nibbled your toes, hiked to Moreton lighthouse and then swam in North Beach with body surfing boards (Joe, bringing one on the plane would be a nightmare, we'll order online next summer). They are 1/2 length surfboards that let you float in along the waves. Great for a non-swimmer like me as you can do it in less than 3 feet of water. The area we were in is too cold for jellies, but considerably warmer than Puget Sound, so I was a happy camper - got some salt water mouthwash, but no worries!
The nights here have brought fabulous thunder and lightning storms about 10-11 pm which clear to beautiful weather by 10 a.m. Just in time for us and the area is desperate for water there are drought notices all over Queensland. We hiked to the top of Mt. Tempest (very steep, but it didn't kill the old lady and I slept like a baby! Went sandboarding in a place called the desert, but the sand has so much silica it is not hot to the feet. Then back to the beach for more body surfing. We ended up towing one of the small girls, Ellie in the surf, snoozing on the beach and only a slight sunburn. I have shared the vinegar therapy with the girls and they were shocked how well it worked. Vinegar bottles are in PVC tubes on all beaches to treat jelly stings, so it's easily accessible. Provided by the beach communities as a public courtesy like toilet paper.
I have moments of being VERY homesick, but now I only have 8 days left, 2 until we reach Sydney and I'm on my own for 5 in Auckland. Kind of looking forward to alone time and no real schedule. We've been up early and arrive at most sites late enough to have little time to explore the area. I would have liked to do a city tour here, but couldn't get guide to arrange as he was "otherwise occupied". I've learned a great deal about the ins and outs of things and packing and such from the others. But there are some I will not miss.
The guys were all to share a room with the guide last night and once Adam saw that yhe "gal pal" was moving in, he knocked on our door to see if he could score a bed in our mutliple room. We gave him our last bed and had quite a giggle about sharing a bunk bed with me on top. RISQUE HUMOR, has to substitute for other things. He was taking quite a kidding about sharing with 4 girls. When we all came out this a.m., several of the kids at the hostel clapped and waved at him. He played it up quite well looking very tired and bedraggled.
Anyway, we heard about the latest school shooting in the US. The kids ask me how someone can get a gun into schools and I tell them how crowded classess are and underpaid and stressed teachers are and they just shake their heads.
While riding next to the guide last night, he was explaining that in AU your auto license has a 12 point system and if you perform an infraction, you lose points. Not wearing a seatbelt doubles the infraction and an infraction over holiday weekends doubles as well. So it is possible to lose ones license by losing all 12 points at one time. They are very strict about traffic laws in New South Wales NSW, where we are now.
It is HEAVILY fined to remove sand or shells from any national park beach. That is one thing the TSA luggage search really looks for when leaving the country, so I'm taking photos of the really good ones. I'll have more beach time this afternoon when the kids hang-glide - I know my limits. Hard to get around Auckland in a body cast. I'm taking more time to JUST BE in each area and separate myself from the kids, so that I can share something they did not get to see while they are thrill seeking.

Love, peace and blessings to all!
Michelle Friday 11:09 a.m. ;-P

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