Wednesday, May 28, 2008

What are BRA Chix?- relax it's the old train photo...

What's all this about BRA Chicks and what do I have to do to be one? There is an initiation now... we just developed it on Monday....

I've been asked - even by one of them, what are BRA Chix and how do I get to be one? My BRA chicks are my main support system, Jenny Righi (Left) Kathleen Kinney (hiding behind me), and JoAnne Bridges (in green sweater). We have known each other since we were in a church play group at St. John's when Nick was under 3. We have weathered multiple pregnancies (not mine - WHEW!), all forms of child rearing and the pitfalls and triumphs associated with it, dealt with Y chromosomes on a daily basis, and made time for just us girls on a regular basis. We even had a serious car accident together in January and all survived to laugh about it, except Kathleen's van was the only casualty. We've camped together, eaten way too much, drank way too many foofy drinks, celebrated big and little birthdays, and just become enmeshed in each other's lives for the good stuff as well as the bad.

I christened them my BRA chix because we all need good support for our appendages and the same applies to friends, they serve the same purpose - lift and separate and make you look good while keeping things under control. The BRA part could stand for so many things - Beautiful, Reliable, Adventurous... Brazen, Raunchy, Amazing... Bold, Radiant, Admirable... it doesn't really matter what it stands for just that they are there doing their job like a good support garment. No wonderBras need apply and Victoria's Secret is for wimps... my girls are full-on, industrial strength... no frills, thrifty and you hesitate to throw out the good ones even when they are falling apart. The same applies to girlfriends... So, this last Monday I put them to the test. I brought my 3 most presentable bras and we put them on over our clothing for a photo. I still don't have the OK from Joanne and Kathleen - Jenny was safely camping, she'll get in on the next one... so I can't post it yet. THEREFORE, you can be a BRA chick too! Send me a photo of you with a flashy bra (OVER YOUR CLOTHING - I need to keep a G rating) and I'll post you on the blog or just keep you in my hospital bag (your choice). Yes, guys can be BRA chix too - no therapy required... I'm like the army - don't ask; don't tell.

Send by snail mail or email or just find a good wacky chick in a bra on line and give me the link.
I realize the thought may be there, but the whoo hoo just isn't for some who don't expose. And, Joanne, send me the photo of which I speak from Gay Bingo... YOU KNOW THE ONE... it may show up here one day... who knows what I'll do on pain meds.

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