Friday, July 11, 2008

Discharged from oncolcogist for 1 year!

Last doc appts. with surgeon and oncologist yesterday. Surgeon - back to full activity as of next week and no dietary restrictions; "there are some things you might find good to stay away from popcorn, granola, etc. but have what appeals to you and see how it goes." Ohhh-kay. Easy for you to say.
Oncologist, nothing conclusive on the pathology reports on my tumor. They still won't give it to me to whack with a shoe. Scheduled my next CT scan for May 11, 2009 to check back on things. Which means every Monday in May 2009 will be a procedure day, colon scope, blood draws, CT scan and appt to recap all of the above. Yeehaw! I'd better also plan a good reward weekend for Memorial Day 2009 then, I think.
Worked a bit with the boys in tow, Diane took them to see Wall-E during my doc appts. It was a hit, both liked it.

Hope I find the energy to resume full activity soon. Just figuring out what needs to be done after taking a month off to recover is daunting. Then the trip on top of it all set me back further. The calendar just seems to fill up on its own and the have tos just keep piling up. Work piles are unnerving, laundry piles are annoying, the boys' rooms and bathrooms are disasters, I still have wedding stuff piled in my basement just from the stuff we packed in for the day. Anyone have a bulldozer and dynamite handy? I'm at the point where I need help, but I don't know what kind or where to get it or what to do about it. I don't have the energy to attack it or think about it yet. Just frustrated with my lack of focus and energy level. Guess mom is going to have to call in the calvary next week or two to catch up. Thanks for letting me vent off - now I need to crack some boys heads to get going around here.

Peace and Blessings,
Michelle ;-P

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