Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Running at normal chaotic speed

Well, life is as much back to normal as it is going to get - boys running to concurrent events in separate parts of the city, mom trying to squeeze some work in and the housework going to pot as usual during the summer. Sounds like nothing's changed at Chez Meeker. Appt with my PCP the naturopath yesterday and we scheduled a session with a nutritionist in August. So that should help me figurer out a plan for the future that won't tax my system. I've been erring on the side of excess caution. Oncologist put me on calcium, low dose aspirin daily and vitamin D, specifically for colon health because I have no more tubing to spare. I'm assembling the associated costs of having colon cancer just because I find it astounding what medical procedures cost and think others would too. So, when I get the final bills in, I will post. Just getting the pre-diagnostics in now from early May.

N's had a busy week of 3 hours of tennis camp daily with 2 pals, J has been helping with Vacation Bible School as a crew leader (kid wrangler) and comes home pooped. We've been baking for a Friday night church fund-raiser carnival cake walk and we're in high 80-90 degree weather. This weekend N goes to NW Trek for an overnight event and he's pumped!

Glad to be out of constant dr. appts., no need for a wheelchair and released for normal activity. Now how do I catch up on the two months that slipped by while I was otherwise occupied?! My doc yesterday asked, "But how are you doing mentally with all of the last two months you've dealt with?" Hmmm, let's just move forward and leave it in the past. Over and onward. Can't believe summer is 1/2 over and if I ask the boys, we "haven't done anything".

Hope all is well in your side of the pond and the tadpoles are hopping!
Peace and Blessings
Michelle ;-P

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