Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Mission Beach, QLD in 10/07

When we were not housed in hostels, we "beach camped" this was our first stop - Mission Beach Caravan Park. I would have been happy to stay here for a few days - it was our longest stop of 3 days. The kids sky dove onto the beach, white water rafted and hung in town and at the beach. I shopped for a bikini, saw some waterfalls (!) and hung at the beach. This time was when we started hitting the high humidity at 7:30 a.m. Sarongs and bikinis no matter what shape you are in.

This is our oh so cozy travel bus for 14 passengers and the blue trailer held all of our worldly possessions en route - tents, sleeping bags and pads, cooking utensils and FOOD!

Milla Milla Falls - the highlight of the day. The kids were white water rafting and our guide took us on a three waterfall loop so we got to see some of the natural beauty of the area - don't ask where it is, I have no clue - it was a good thing we were driving with a local.

The pool was a welcome amenity with the humidity. We hung at the deep end and drank beer at the hottest part of the day - no glass near the pool but cans are OK and I never drink beer except when it is the only thing to cool you off.

Sylvia, Megan and Jurgen at far table, Alex, Charlotte and Charlie at near. Waiting for the rest of the group to break camp and travel.

We have a really great sunrise OVER the Pacific tomorrow a.m. to share...

Michelle ;-P

1 comment:

ShellyH said...

Wow, what an awesome looking campground! My hubby and I just love to camp and recently camped up in the Pocono Mtns.