Monday, June 16, 2008

Set your pace, it's not a race...

Had a busy weekend, a minor setback Saturday night and I'm sticking to an easy pace now. Drove the boys to school this morning and got up at normal time... now it's time for another nap. Found a note from my days in the hospital when I was w/o computer with a coherent joke... What do you call a compulsive emailer/blogger with no computer access? Textually frustrated ;-P Ba da bing! And that was even on pain meds.

The BRA chix are mobilized and have a plan to take care of Joanne's family - we are good on a regular day, but when we are really in the zone, WE ROCK! All I'm doing is errands and laundry for the next two weeks, then after we return from South Dakota, I'll be up for more serious duty. Ian is enjoying the play room, library and other amenities at Mary Bridge and taking in his chemo. Parents weathered the first weekend of duty swapping well, we got their freezer stocked with food, lawn mowed and support persons alerted and scheduled.

Planned to go in to work one day this week, but it may have to wait until Saturday when someone else can transport and I only have to use the brain while I am there. I'm a one-trick pony these days, either drive or complete a task, not both. People keep telling me to pace myself and I felt great Saturday and over extended - walked 1.5 miles with Joe, baked, tried to get by with no naps to improve night sleep - and it backfired big time. Panic attack at 3 a.m., confused pain meds., insomnia, pain - not a good mix. I slept all of 3 hours and then went to church - which was actually the best thing for me. I got energized just being in my faith community, lots of love for me and our family in that building. We are blessed!

I'm not on the computer with photo access, so the Australia photos will continue tomorrow.
Peace and blessings!
Michelle ;-P

1 comment:

Katharyn said...

Hello Michelle,

Thank you for the rose! I’m sorry I wasn’t able to make it to church on Sunday. (My bestfriend and roommate had just finished with classes for the year, we spent the day together and it hit us mid way that I’m moving to another sate in December, we need to spend as much time together now as we can. So when I should have gone to bed, and long after I was up with Hillary drinking beer, knitting, and watching the Office).

This weekend is Paul and my third anniversary and we’ll be camping on the backside of Rainier. So, as it might be awhile before I see you again, instead of relaying the amusing spelling bee story I’ll just send you a clip.

If the link doesn’t work, in Google search: Spelling Bee Numnah video

I’ll hope for sunny weather for you, to help improve your mood and energy.
